Using the New Bell and Gossett System Syzer Programs PART 2

Norm Hall
November 19, 2012
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Xylem Bell and Gossett recently announced the new System Syzer programs for your computer. You may download these through links on our website at the page.

The flow/pressure drop tab can be an extremely important tool. ASHRAE 90.1-2010 standards Table, introduces new sizing data for hydronic systems. The maximum recommended flow rate depends on three factors: velocity, number of expected operating hours of the system, and whether the system is variable flow/variable speed or other.

Let’s look at an example. Assume you have 1500 GPM. What is the minimum pipe size should you use? The answer is: it depends! Check the screenshots below.

8” pipe is too small if you are operating over 4400 Hours per year Variable speed.

10” pipe is correct if you are operating over 4400 Hours per year Variable speed.

12” pipe is correct if you are operating over 4400 Hours per year and not Variable speed.

8” pipe is correct if you are operating less than 2000 Hours per year and Variable speed.

Download the program and experience the power of this new tool from Bell and Gossett.

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Disclaimer: R. L. Deppmann and it’s affiliates can not be held liable for issues caused by use of the information on this page. While the information comes from many years of experience and can be a valuable tool, it may not take into account special circumstances in your system and we therefore can not take responsibility for actions that result from this information. Please feel free to contact us if you do have any questions.

