R.L. Deppmann Grand Rapids
R. L. Deppmann – Serving the Greater Grand Rapids Area Since 1950
Ray Deppmann started the Grand Rapids branch in 1950. The first branch manager Bucky Walters was sent by Zaven Margossian from Detroit to operate the Grand Rapids office on Fuller Street. Bucky immediately began hiring and Bob Whymer, future president, was employed as the first salesman. The branch rapidly grew as the Grand Rapids area grew in population and industry. Bob Whymer hired Bob DeVries as the first service tech and later estimator. Bob also hired Bob Van Goor and the joke around the office was that if you ain’t a Bob you ain’t getting hired. Of course this wasn’t true since Dan Ondersma, later branch manager, was hired before the third Bob. The Grand Rapids facility and staff has grown as the Western Michigan area has exploded in population. Today the branch is the second largest in the Company.
4121 Brockton Drive SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49512
Ph: (616) 656-0821
Fax: (616) 656-0830