There are times when a commercial ion exchange water softener is the preferred solution for hard water in potable water systems. The map above is …
Minimum Chilled Water Flow Rates – Variable Primary Systems
I have written a great deal about the minimum flow rate requirement in centrifugal pumps. We recently received an email from an engineer who was …
Heat Added to Chilled Water Systems Due to Pump Efficiency
We received an interesting question this week from a consultant engineer: “How much temperature increase will I get in the chilled water from the pump? My secondary chilled water pump has a capacity of 1400 GPM at 100 feet” Let’s look at the answer. ANSWER: Centrifugal pumps in hydronic systems do the work of moving gallons per minute of fluid against a differential head in feet. This work is defined as Brake Horsepower (BHP) also expressed in equation 1. [Read more…]