pump discharge
pump discharge

Hydronic Centrifugal Pumps – Open & Closed System Discharge Piping

RL DeppmannPiping and Installation, Valves, Monday Morning Minutes, Check Valves, Commissioning and Balance, Hydronic System Design, Pipe Sizing, Triple Duty, Valves, Pumps, Triple Duty

The pump discharge is the most turbulent location in a hydronic system. There are simple rules to follow when piping up a pump discharge. Today, …

BG Triple Duty Valve Blog
BG Triple Duty Valve Blog

B&G Triple Duty® valves or Metraflex check valves on your variable speed hydronic pumps (Revisited)

Norm HallPiping and Installation, Valves, Check Valves, Commissioning and Balance, Valves, Triple Duty, Monday Morning Minutes, Pumps

Our Monday Morning Minute (MMM) in September outlined the value and need of using Bell and Gossett triple duty valves in variable speed pumping applications. The use of the triple duty valve ports will make it easier to determine the maximum speed to set in the drive.

Triple Duty Valves
Triple Duty Valves

Triple Duty® valves on your variable speed hydronic pumps

Norm HallMonday Morning Minutes, Pumps, Valves, Check Valves, Commissioning and Balance, Commissioning and Balance, Valves, Triple Duty

Bell and Gossett triple duty valves have, for decades, provided a cost effective way to assure there is a non slam check, balance, and shutoff valve on the discharge of your hydronic pump installation. These valves are used to throttle excess head and, therefore, should not be oversized. B&G offers these installation friendly valves in traditional full port model (3DS-S) and in a reduced port version (3DS-B)