ANNOUNCING: AERCO New MFC Dual Fuel/Dual Return Fire Tube Boiler

RL Deppmann
January 6, 2016

R. L. Deppmann is pleased to pass on the following new product announcement from AERCO.

AERCO announces the new MFC Dual Fuel/Dual Return Fire Tube Boiler with size ranges from 3000-10,000 MBH

The AERCO Multi-Fuel Condensing (MFC) Fire Tube Water Boiler is designed for condensing application in any closed loop hydronic system.

Features include:

  • A proven 4-pass fire tube heat exchanger design for maximum heat transfer and efficiency.
  • High-quality carbon steel/316Ti stainless steel construction that ensures the highest degree of durability. 
  • Superior corrosion resistance against acidic flue gas condensation in 316Ti SS construction (in the heat exchanger’s 4th pass).
  • NOTE: This product can be fired with multiple fuels including natural gas, propane or #2 fuel oil (as backup), offering duel fuel flexibility.

The MFC series features dual return connections standard for optimal application flexibility and seasonal efficiency gains of up to 12%.

Please contact your nearest R.L. Deppmann representative for additional information.


MMM MO and TD at Aerco

 Shown in picture are Tim Dawson and Matt Overweg, from the R.L. Deppmann Co., inspecting actual installation

