We’ve been there before – facing service of an unknown piece of equipment. This month’s service tip looks at Bell and Gossett, a Xylem brand, VSX double suction pumps and some tips from the experts.
You are the service expert and are called out to troubleshoot a large base mounted double suction pump with a leaking seal. You arrive to find a B&G VSX- pump. It may be a VSC style, VSCS style, or VSH style (different styles shown below).
You lock out / tag out; disable BMS alarms; then isolate and drain the pump. You now look at the IOM and recognize you have not worked on the pump before and may need some guidance. In the past, your choices were to call Deppmann’ s customer service team, stop by an RLD Location and talk to an inside or outside service tech, or just wing it. Now you have another tool in the toolbox. (See Service Video link below)
Bell and Gossett engineers designed this pump to be very easy to service when compared to the 100 year old horizontal split case design. No need to rig an A-frame and lift the top half of the pump for a simple seal service.