101 Pumps: Pump Capacity Calculations – Cleveland

RL Deppmann

Starts: March 29, 2016, 11:30 am
Ends: March 29, 2016, 1:30 pm

Holiday Inn Cleveland- South

6001 Rockside Road
Independence, OH 44131

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This is a basic class and the first in our pump seminar series. This class explains the difference between open and closed systems as well as the various one and two pipe system layout options. How to use the B&G System Syzer to determine pipe friction losses. The pump affinity laws, CV and the effect on pump calculations. We introduce three example systems to determine the flow rate from the BTUH and the friction loss through the system. Finally, we perform an elementary pump selection. This class is 1-1/2 hours long and is designed for Contractors and Engineers with inexperienced newer employees, interns, or students. Attendees of this class will leave with a basic knowledge of how to determine pump flow and head from a set of plans or sketches.

This class will earn you CEU credits.

Note: Lunch will be served upon arrival