High Efficient Water Heater System Design – Toledo Area

RL Deppmann

Starts: October 20, 2015, 1:00 pm
Ends: October 20, 2015, 4:00 pm

SeaGate Convention Center

401 Jefferson Avenue
Toledo, OH 43604

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RL Deppmann is pleased to announce the HIGH EFFICIENT WATER HEATER SYSTEM DESIGN seminar as part of our 2015 Education Series. This seminar will explore the different types of commercial water heaters available; look at how these types are piped and controlled and the effect it has on operational efficiency; compare costs associated the different types; and discuss some “non-standard” water heaters.

This class will earn three hours CEU credits.

Reminder: Lunch will be served at 12:15 pm, prior to the start of the seminar.

Seminar Series