301 Pumps: Parallel & Series Pumping – Cleveland

RL Deppmann

Starts: May 10, 2016, 11:30 am
Ends: May 10, 2016, 1:30 pm

Holiday Inn Cleveland - South

6001 Rockside Road
Independence, OH 44131

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This is an advanced class and the third in our pump seminar series. This class explores operation of multiple pumps in parallel and series including curve development, energy calculations, and concerns about selection. We also cover staging of pumps and the use of different pumps in parallel as well as the series “booster” pumping.  This class is 1-1/2 hours long and is designed for Engineers and design/build Contractors who have an understanding of hydronics and pump selection and operations.  Attendees of this class will leave with advanced knowledge of multiple pump application and primary-secondary pumping.

This class will earn you CEU credits.

Note: Lunch will be served upon arrival