Last week we left you hanging without the answer to an example problem: Example: suppose you have a 4 story commercial building. Let’s assume the domestic hot water supply is a total length of 1000 ft. That is the entire pipe on all of the floors. Let’s also assume an average of 15 BTU/hr/ft of loss through the supply pipe insulation. Now let’s assume the recirc piping is 300 ft total at an average of 10 BTU/hr/ft of loss. What flow rate is required for a 10 degree ΔT? What flow rate is required for a 5 ΔT? Answer: If I have 1000 feet of supply pipe at 15 BTU/hr./ft. loss and 300 feet of recirc pipe at 10 BTU/hr./ft.; my total loss is (1000 X 15) + (300 X 10) = 18,000 BTUH. If I assume a 10° ΔT, my flow rate is 3.6 GPM. If I assume a 5° ΔT, the flow is twice that or 7.2 GPM. We would round these off to the nearest unit so the answer is 4 GPM or 8 GPM.
Why would we use 5° ΔT or 10° ΔT or even 20° ΔT? The lower the temperature at the fixture, the more water and time will be wasted waiting for hot water. The American Society of Plumbing engineers (ASPE) suggests a 5° ΔT with 120° supply. If the supply temperature is 140°, we believe a 10° ΔT will do just fine. Of course always check for local codes before deciding which temperature drop to choose. |
Next Week, We look at pressure drop. Click here to request the latest specification for LEAD FREE balancing devices. |
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