A Cooling Tower Choice Solves Water Quality Issues and Saves the Planet

RL DeppmannHydronic System Design, Air and Dirt Control, Cooling Towers, Cooling, Monday Morning Minutes, Cooling Towers, Sediment Separators, Sediment Separators, Glycol and Water Quality

What’s lurking in your traditional open cooling tower basin? There is increasing concern about the sediment build-up, algae growth, and bacteria growth in open cooling …

pump discharge
pump discharge

Hydronic Centrifugal Pumps – Open & Closed System Discharge Piping

RL DeppmannValves, Monday Morning Minutes, Check Valves, Commissioning and Balance, Hydronic System Design, Pipe Sizing, Triple Duty, Valves, Pumps, Triple Duty, Piping and Installation

The pump discharge is the most turbulent location in a hydronic system. There are simple rules to follow when piping up a pump discharge. Today, …

Smart Variable Speed Centrifugal Pumps: Part 2 (Base Mounted)

RL DeppmannSpeed, Monday Morning Minutes, Selection and Specification, Inline Pumps, Codes and Standards, Energy, Motors, Pumps, ECM, ECM, Variable Speed

Larger centrifugal pumps with horsepower over five are a great place to save energy in HVAC and plumbing systems. Historically, these larger pumps were typically …