Primary-Secondary pumping in hydronic heating systems is a tried-and-true method of protecting boilers while benefitting from the use of variable speed pumps in the secondary …
Waterside Economizers Part 6: Tower Side Flow Rate
The waterside economizer is normally a gasketed plate heat exchanger. There is chilled water on one side and cooling tower water on the other side …
Centrifugal Pumps: Determining Flow Rate Using Amp Readings
We understand that the best way to determine the flow rate of an operating pump is the proper readout of gauges attached to the pump …
Heat Pump Water Heaters: Water Source Units (Part 12)
Many heat pumps used in Ohio and Michigan are water sources for comfort heating and cooling. Today, we want to look at the water source …
Hydronic Piping – Can it be Too Oversized? Radiant Panel System Example
We recently were asked about the use of ¾” hydronic pipe runouts on a radiant panel system. The contractor had a concern about the long …
Heat Exchanger Types and Where to Use Them: Part 4 – Variable Flow Applications
When should you choose to use a gasketed plate, brazed plate, or shell and tube heat exchanger? Often in HVAC, plumbing, or industrial systems any …
Primary-Secondary or Primary-Variable Heating Systems: Which System to Choose?
Primary-Secondary vs. Primary-Variable hydronic boiler pumping systems each have advantages for the engineer to consider. Most people in the industry are in one camp or …
B&G Pumps in Chlorinated Swimming Pool Applications
We often get questions about using Bell & Gossett pumps in institutional and commercial chlorinated water swimming pool applications. Here are a few suggestions about …
Bell & Gossett 1510 Pump Model Numbers: Field Estimation of Flow Rate
Oftentimes an engineer or contractor is contracted to remodel or add to an existing building. During the site visit, they find a pump tag with …
What Is a Flow-Limiting Cartridge or Automatic Balancing Valve?
The flow-limiting cartridge is the heart of the automatic balancing valve and lets the valve act as the maximum flow rate controller. This maximum flow …