Smart Variable Speed Centrifugal Pumps: Part 2 (Base Mounted)

RL DeppmannSelection and Specification, Inline Pumps, Codes and Standards, Energy, Motors, Pumps, ECM, ECM, Variable Speed, Speed, Monday Morning Minutes

Larger centrifugal pumps with horsepower over five are a great place to save energy in HVAC and plumbing systems. Historically, these larger pumps were typically …

Smart Variable Speed Centrifugal Pumps: Part 1 (Line Mounted)

RL DeppmannSelection and Specification, Monday Morning Minutes, Inline Pumps, Codes and Standards, Energy, Pumps, ECM, ECM, Variable Speed, Speed

This week and next we will talk about centrifugal pumps with the variable speed technology built into them. These pumps are called “Smart pumps.” Why …

images of buildings and parts
images of buildings and parts

Waterside Economizers Part 5: Heat Exchanger Location

Norm HallHeat Exchangers, ASHRAE 90.1, Hydronic System Design, Cooling Towers, Codes and Standards, Energy and Water Saving, Chilled Water, Waterside Economizer, Monday Morning Minutes, Waterside Economizer

The waterside economizer is normally a gasketed plate heat exchanger. The cooling tower water supply temperature to this heat exchanger varies with the weather. The …

Water Side Economizers Part 3: Cooling Tower Temperatures

Norm HallHydronic System Design, Cooling Towers, Codes and Standards, Energy and Water Saving, Monday Morning Minutes, Chilled Water, Waterside Economizer, Waterside Economizer, Heat Exchangers, ASHRAE 90.1

Many northern state energy codes require economizers for chilled water systems. Waterside economizers per ASHRAE 90.1-2013 and 2010 shall provide up to 100% of the …